NO, SERIOUSLY: Stop & Smell the Flowers
Meet Charlie: A one and a half year old beagle/bluetick coonhound mix, who also happens to be the love of my life. She's curious, resilient and loves unconditionally. She reminds me to put others before myself, to be consistent always and to enjoy each day to its fullest.
What does this have to do with photography? There's beauty all around you! You just have to take the initiative to find it. This snapshot was taken during a routine walk with Charlie. Had I not taken my eyes off my phone and taken in the sights around me, I would not have even realized that these flowers peaked her curiosity.
**Sidenote: I updated the photo of this blog years later aaand need to find the picture that was originally here for this line to make sense. So just imagine for now — a striking, young Charles Barkley in her pink collar, smelling those cone-looking flowers with the cute pink skirt-looking petals. (The photo is on my old hard drive and I have ADHD — you do the math. This won’t be updated any time soon.)
In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in what has happened and worry about what will happen. It's inevitable, but once you realize this and consciously put an effort into giving your attention to what's happening here and now, you will find yourself becoming more appreciative of those around you. The trick is to be intentional about paying attention so that you can be present.
Disconnect to allow yourself to connect.
I read a quote somewhere saying something along the lines of, "Don't save the champagne for a special occasion -- today is a special occasion!" I could not agree more. We should focus on the day-to-day moments as much as the victorious moments, because it's the little things that stick with us. I want to capture not only your victories, but the sweet aspects of your day-to-day life that you love and appreciate.