Elizabeth Marlowe | 49er Graduate | Charlotte, NC

What degree(s) are you earning? What do you plan on doing after graduation? 

Bachelors of Science in Public Health

What organizations were you involved in? 

No orgs, but involved in and work at Harrisburg United Methodist Church.

Favorite spot on campus and why? 

My favorite spot at school is the Union. Little bit of everything there. Like to eat, study, and work on group projects there. Not to loud not to quiet usually.


What has been your favorite memory at UNC Charlotte?

My favorite memory at UNCC is not one memory but memories of meeting 2 of my closest friends, getting engaged, and growing personally and academically. 


Most valuable lesson learned during your college career? 

The most valuable lesson I learned was that setbacks are not the end of the world and that it is ok not to be the best at everything as long as you try your best!


Mitzi Duke | 49er Graduate | Charlotte, NC


Olivia Warner | 49er Graduate | Charlotte, NC