Kristen Bobeng | 49er Graduate | UNC Charlotte | Charlotte, NC

What degree(s) are you earning? What do you plan on doing after graduation? 

I am a Marketing major and after graduation I plan to move back to Georgia to pursue a career in either sales or advertising.

What organizations were you involved in? 

Alpha Kappa Psi -- the CoEd Professional Business Fraternity, here on campus!

Favorite spot on campus and why? 

My favorite spot on campus was the tables outside of the Friday building where my Brothers and I always hung out together.

What has been your favorite memory at UNC Charlotte?

My favorite memory that I have from UNCC is joining the organization I was involved with because it got me an amazing group of people that I could hang out with.

Most valuable lesson learned during your college career? 

The most valuable lesson learned from my time at UNCC is to don't wish your life away. Enjoy the moments that you are in now and wait for the future to come, don't wish for it to come sooner than it should.

Kristen, you had me totally fooled! I would have had NO IDEA meeting you for the first time that you weren't a "girly girl"! You completely ROCKED your portrait session with confidence and intrigue. I am so glad you also found a home in the fraternity. You're going to rock whichever path you choose, I just know it! All the best!


Ballantyne Winter Portrait Session | The Tungares | Charlotte, North Carolina


Laurel Idol | 49er Graduate | UNC Charlotte | Charlotte, NC